The Famous Pie Shop in DeValls Bluff, Arkansas
If you're ever meandering down Hwy 70 West headed toward Memphis, you must take time to stop and smell the BBQ and the freshly baked pies in DeValls Bluff. Craig's BBQ has been an Arkansas tradition for many folks around Arkansas, as well as, the whole country for many, many years. After eating at Craig's you must run across the street (look for a little white house that says Pie Shop on it) and pick up a piece of pie at The Pie Shop. The door is unlocked, so just go right in. Miss Mary has been baking pies for many years and she has long past reached perfection. I usually get a whole pie...the Egg Custard is my favorite. Look how dreamy and oozy and gooey it is...2Di4! $3.75 for a small egg custard pie which feeds two people and around 8 bucks for the whole pie. Now that's a bargain. Bring cash.

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